Welcome Day 2024 | Claeys & Engels

Who: Claeys & Engels, law firm specialised in employment law, tax and occupational pension
For whom: master students
What: interviews bar traineeships, applications summer internships, presentation, drinks, walking dinner, meet & greet
Where: Mix Brussels, Vorstlaan 25, 1170 Brussels
How: by bus (from and to you university campus) or your own mean of transport
Info: https://www.claeysengels.be/en-gb/welcome-day
We welcome all law students from Master 1 and beyond, who are truly interested in our firm and its day-to-day life for a walking dinner, a cocktail, a presentation and testimonials.
The Welcome Day takes place in our brand new Brussels’ office (Boulevard du Souverain 25) as from 6:00 pm.
We will arrange your transportation by shuttle. We will come and pick you up at your university campus (see more information about the shuttle below).
For Master 2 students or students in a third cycle (LLM), you can apply as from now and have a first interview during our event. If you are interested, send us your CV and motivation letter in advance (see 'Subscribe now').
For Master 1 students and beyond, you can apply for a summer internship with your Welcome Day registration.
Register on time so that you do not miss this opportunity. The number of attendees is limited.